Sunday, April 02, 2006

5 years ago...

exactly 5 years ago, on this very date, i set my foot into APIIT for my first Diploma orientation class.
5 long years...

looking back at the number of amazing people i've met, i am more than glad to say that i'm proud that i can now call a few more fantastic individuals from this face of earth, my good buddies..;)

little did i expect that APIIT was going to change so many things in my life..and it has been an amazingly wonderful journey for me to have been given the opportunity to spend time with these great people and get to know them and i must admit that these guys have added a lot of colours to the grey ash..;)

even APIIT itself was a great place to be, not only did it shape me to be a professional software engineer, it also thought me how to do great research papers(ah c'mon..u guys know what i mean dont u?..:P)
hahah..nevertheless, those memorable 4 years has definetely changed me to be the person i am now...good or bad..u decide..:)

and im glad that we're still connected in some way although it has been almost a year since we left APIIT...and for those whom i no longer chat with or email...those memorable moments spent with u guys will always be with me (im a guy who doesnt forget my pass u know..i like to treasure it..;)).

i just hope we could hang out more often...its always relaxing to get back once in a while to let ourselves be like we used to be when we were much younger..;)

and tomorrow, i would be embarking on another journey...good or bad, i'm yet to know.
i went tru a lot of obstacles and ups and downs before i could even start working here...but there was always a positive light that kept me clinging to it somehow..and finally tommorrow i will be starting my first day.
i dont know if all these waiting was worth it or it was just another game fate playing on me.
i'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best...worst come to worst, i'll be just looking for another job...but till then, i just hope everything goes fine.


Blogger YSLim said...

APIIT life......worth to memorable forever in our heart.

Sometime i might think of....after secondary school, we enter apiit, graduate and work...

kind like too fast...

7:36 AM  
Blogger YSLim said...

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7:36 AM  
Blogger ashes said...

yeah ys..i agree with ya.
looking back..seems like everything ended so fast.
and there is no way we'll be able to get back to it...sighh..
but at least we tried to enjoy to the max..hehe..and tats y we hav so many things to remember now..

10:10 PM  
Blogger StephanieC said...

WELCOME BACK TO THE WORKING WORLD! I miss my work gossip buddy...

11:11 AM  
Blogger ashes said... tot someone said tat work productivity increased without me?
i dun wanna be a bad guy insaf adi.
i shall not be the reason for u to be lazy and neglect ur ..never again.

1:27 PM  
Blogger Eng said...

ppl our age can easily walk into another job should your new one fails. so not to worry Ash...

7:39 PM  
Blogger ashes said...

yeah eng..right u are.
i guess i wont crack my head too much abt this..will take it as it comes..;)

12:40 AM  
Blogger Eng said...


opportunities are everywhere. just need to grab it and make use of it.

7:07 PM  
Blogger Jyrenze said...

So ash, hows the job going? Its already been a week.

9:18 AM  
Blogger Eng said...

yea lar... it's been so long since we've last chatted.

7:30 PM  
Blogger ashes said... job ar.. far so good.just a bit boring..too many things to read.
i guess first few weeks always like this.
i'll get a post up soon..;)

8:40 AM  

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