Thursday, October 12, 2006

your blog is so borrringggg...:(


ok this is the comment i've been receiving lately from some of my other frens who visited my blog. the most common comments i get from them EVEN BEFORE THEY START READING is...

"AHH....soo many words!..i got no time to read."


" pictures at all..."


" can you write so much..??"

and yesterday my colleague who sits beside me saw my typing a post for my blog and she asked me for my blog url..
the first thing she said after the page loaded was...

(and she didnt even bother reading the first line!arghh)


so my dear frens out there, is my blog really THAT boring ar?
how can i improve it?any suggestions?
Should i add in more pictures?MY pictures?( really not photogenic..tats y i hardly post any of my pics..)
Reduce the words?

i've been getting this boring comment so often until im getting so SICK AND TIRED of it..i've HAD ENOUGH!
so u guys better respond to this post within 24 hours!!
else im gonna commit suicide..i blog is gonna commit suicide!!
and i MEAN IT!!
24 hours ar!10 minutes adi wasted reading this post!
dun play play ar!


haha..just kiddin..any positive/negative comments will be much appereciated..just hope i can make my blog more interesting.

thanks people.


Blogger Eng said...

ppllllsssss lar
your blog is one of the funniest and wackiest blog I've read, except of course, you should include more pictures in it.

perhaps you should change the bakckground into something brighter. your readers were perhaps judging your blog by their first impression which is it's looks.

9:23 AM  
Blogger Eng said...

there... I've now commented it. So dun you dare remove this blog. Else we'll lose another source of laughter and entertainment.

9:24 AM  
Blogger Jyrenze said...

Well I didnt think it has too many words, somehow your blog is easy to read for me..maybe the people who feel so dont have a very good command of english...hahahah...

Anyway I think you should change the background, its so dark and all, maybe put a pic or 2 at the about me part, doesnt have to be your face, on my blog it is my bunnies, haha

9:34 AM  
Blogger StephanieC said...

I've got one before...said that my blog didn't have enough pictures. I was like...then what are those colourful images on it?! Besides they should know how to differenciate a BLOG and a PHOTOBLOG.

Your blog is fine, Ash, it's worth reading. It's wacky, funny and entertaining. They said it's boring because they didn't even bother to read the first sentence. Lazy ppl...

10:01 AM  
Blogger ashes said... guys..:D
appereciate that a lot.

yea..those who complain are those who are lazy to read..i just cant help but to agree to tat one.

but yeah..maybe once in a while i will try to get some pics up. i always wanted to change the color..but u know la kan..onece u change somethin in the HTML all the layout will go hay wire,just like the prob steff had tat malas to troublesome la..hehe

but i shall try..:)

10:21 AM  
Blogger BillyTong said...

Well the font color is a bit dull and as well the background. B4 you change it, try to copy the custom html you have maked. After you change ur blog templete or color, you can just re-apply it if it gone missing. All these work can be done in less than 1-2 hours.

6:50 AM  
Blogger ashes said...

yes boss!

me shall try doing it this weekend..:D

8:51 AM  
Blogger Philip said...

Keep typing, i can laugh here n waste sometime if i m too bored n read ur long post :P

Only lazy ppl dont wanna read. Reading ppls experience is wat money cant buy, listening is as well. Knowing more knowledge is better than not knowing or refuse to know at all

5:27 PM  
Blogger ashes said...

"Reading ppls experience is wat money cant buy, listening is as well"

i like this part..:)
i really do think the same way too..that's why i started to enjoy reading ppl's blog.

8:47 AM  
Blogger BillyTong said...

Instead of reading other people's blog, try to read some self improvement books. This is more beneficial in my opinion.

9:42 AM  
Blogger StephanieC said...

Sometimes, self improvement books may not be as "sincere" or "realistic" as people's blog. And then again, it depends very much on the blogger. Reading a book tends to feel more "commercial" than reading blogs.


Do I even make sense? >.<

10:24 AM  
Blogger Philip said...

depends on wat book steph... if its not promoting any products, then its a good book to read since the writter is not trying to write in a way to sell something.

5:01 PM  
Blogger ashes said...

yea..even to me blogs makes a big diff coz its more like a day to day kinda story.
u get to read even those small details of the event tat happened to the blogger. since tat person you are reading about is alive now and everthin else about him/her is exactly how it is now, tat makes the story alot more interesting and "alive".

sometimes when it comes to books, the person might be dead or the story happened some time tat experience is totally different to me..coz its not as live as blogs.

8:33 AM  
Blogger ashes said...

hey eng u r back!

11:30 PM  
Blogger YSLim said...

normally i also feel lazy to post any also feel like got no time to post any blog liao...hehe! anyway..u done a good job here!

11:27 AM  
Blogger ashes said...

i think phlip accidentally placed this comment in the previous post's "Comments" column.

assuming tat he meant it for tis post..i shall paste the comment here.

philip wrote..
A person must be able to tell whether the experience written on the book is good or bad. Some can be good, some could not, but alot of stories are in the past, grabbing the hidden meaning is not everyone can do.

Every books has different meaning and they wanna express different point of view of their experience. Peoples experience is golden treasure, imagine ten 70 yrs old uncle/auntie tells u his/her stories, its better than we live 700 yrs old to possibly learn the same thing they are telling. Listening or reading experience is the fastest way to grow up

yslim : yea ys ur blog long time din update.ask pun for some help la..haha..thanks anyway ya!

philip : yeap kinda agree wit u..and i think blogs has its own uniqueness too..different from those books..tat is..;)

3:17 PM  
Blogger Don'z said...

hi~ i still drop by your blog sometimes. haha ok i admit tht i'm one of the lazy reader :p hahaha. sometimes will go through . sometimes... not really... :P

3:45 AM  
Blogger Eng said...

Donny, so surprised to see you here.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Eng said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:01 AM  
Blogger ashes said...

grrrr..did i just hear some was trying to say tat my blog is boring..?did i?

haha..hello donny!
long time no see man! kinda bad at pics..:(
ur blog looks so lively wit all the pics..
haha..ok i shall try to do somethin abt it ;)

8:09 AM  
Blogger Don'z said...

hahhaa, 2nd surprise since our last meet? i'll surf around when my job is too bored.

long time didn't see u too.your blog is the most active blog among all my friend.. just i unable to catch up. wahahhaha.. :P. well. lazy writer like me just post picture. reader act really funny.. i event got complain why use English instead of chinese to write blog =_=|||.

1:00 PM  
Blogger ashes said...

haha..can complain like tat also ar?
these readers banyak demanding lah..

8:58 AM  

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