Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Lawatan sambil berkerja ke Jabatan Pertanian...

yea..tats rite...i went to the Jabatan Pertanian yesterday to gather some requirements for the system tat we're currently working on.
at first when my PM told me tat i was going with him..i was kinda excited...of course i would..hehe..coz tat was my 1st experience getting into the real world's was any excuse to get out of my sleepy chair was definetely a great off we went...
the moment we reached into the office...i tot something must hav gone wrong.
i suddenly had the feeling of as if i was in the 1960's...
but i guess i was wrong..i am in year 2005...but the people there seemed to be from the 1960's....i guess tats how the typical governmet office looks like.
everyone there looked so antique....

i guess u can imagine the experience of trying to get their requirements and transforming it into a web-based system was like....phiewww...i felt like it took ages b'for we could even understand what they were trying to say and..all the ppl tat we spoke to were at least 40 n above...

they just have these loooooooong n lenghty procedures which i seem to find it very very very unnecessary...thats y they need minimum 1 year just to approve a registration in the Jabatan Pertanian....really really not efficient.

i guess tat gives us the answer y we hav to wait soooooo long just for simple government matters.
they tend to use systems which is dated back in the 1960's where they were probably using bicycles to move around...

the explanation was so lenghty tat i begin wondering how thick the lady's glasses tat we were speaking to could be..and trying to figure out probably how many years ago was this model famous...or would it hav ever been famous?maybe her parents bought if for her when she was small....and she didnt hav much choice...couldnt she just took it...
but then now....y on earth IS SHE STILL WEARING IT?
maybe the one she's wearing definetely deserves a place in the museum...probably the last model of its kind left in Malaysia....

..."prakash...r u listening?"
..."oooh wat..yea ...yea..yea...i am.."...

heh...anyway we managed to gather all the dreams...i mean requirements tat we tot we heard and god knows how the system is gonna turn out to look like...
and by the time we train all these aunties n uncles on how to use it....i think it would be time for them to retire...

i found this interesting link to show the System Development Lifecycle ... haha..i think most of us agree with this...take a look


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