Saturday, June 11, 2005

my 2nd day....

well hello everyone...

i promised to write something when i get back home yesterday but unfortunately i reached home only at 10pm yesterday and was already i tot i'll save it for today

i woke up this morning n decided that i will try to catch the early train to get to my office a bit early(8.30am) so that i'll have sometime to fill up this blog b'for my boss comes in...heh..

so i reached the train station early...and so happen the early train hasn't arrived yet.
wow...great i thought...i quickly rushed to the tickect machine and there was 3 ppl in front of me.
i waited for my turn...but unfortunately one "aunty" there was struggling to get her notes in the lousy machine which is "hyper" sensetive to some selected notes.
ahhh...and the train came...shit i tought...not now...faster aunty fasterrrrrrrrr..change the bloody note!!!

finally she got it in...and i rushed to take my ticket...ahh...the train already reached...and every1 was getting in.... its my turn...the notes wouldn't get in!!!
karma..i tell u karma...scold ppl..n now u get it...u deserve it(says the old aunty's voice in my head...pls dunt ask me how did her voice sound like...i also dunno)
finally i got the ticket and rushed to slot the ticket in the machine and ran acrooss the Overhead bridge to cross to the other platform.....i can make it.......yeaaaaa...the train is still there.....
i ran down the stepsssss.....i was just 3 feet away from the doorrrrrr.....yeaaa...
and then....the door closed and the train started moving...

where am i now?
standing at the platform..staring at the moving train...

aih...wat a i waited another 15minutes and got the usual train...all the cursing and karma payback for nothin.. i reached Setia Jaya station...i walked as fast as i could....and i got stuck behind 3 "walking-talking" ladies.
ahhh..not noww..
the pathway was so narrow and this 3 wonderful ladies were blocking the whole there was no chance i could overtake them....just great....just great...

i waited....and it seemed like their walking pattern was getting slower..becoz u know why?
they were busy analyzing each other's "earrings"!
wow...wat an achievement...they can do 3 things at one time...lets see wat else they can do.

goshhhhh....y is it so difficult to get to my office early?

i walked patiently...behind...hoping tat this topic would end soon..and they would start walking faster...
i mean long can u go on talking abt ear-rings?
how much is there to talk about it?
..i guess i was didnt seem to end....until i reached a broader pathway...
i quickly overtook them...and managed to giv them an irritated look b'for i left them here i my office..finished my 2nd blog...with my boss taking his seat behind me.
so u know what it means.. i'll seeya guys later yah..........ciaooo..!


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